How I went beyond oil, or The echo chambers of academic conferences, or There is a crack, perhaps, in everything

It was nearly 8 p.m. when I started my descent from the mountain. It was dark and starting to get cold, and Bergen underneath burst into an incandescent shimmering show. I watched the ships dock and undock, I watched bergensar chatting and walking their dogs. It really was time – I could not hide out […]

What to wear to a half-time seminar, or On the power of initiation

On the day of my half-time seminar, I dreamt of wearing a wedding dress. Explanation: half-time (which apparently is a Swenglish term, as the English speakers seem to call it ‘midterm’) is a seminar in which the doctoral student’s work is presented, reviewed and discussed. Kind of a mock defence at an early stage to […]

On major revisions and their potential for radical liberation, or How to revise your first paper and not go mad(der)

This paper – sorry – blog post consists of two parts. One is confused ramblings of someone revising their first solo paper for an academic journal. The other is some practical advice – not from me, but from my peers, on how not to blow the word limit in the revision process and what to […]

On teaching not to transgress, or Not embodying ‘real utopias’, or My first lecture

‘Real utopias can be found wherever emancipatory ideals are embodied in existing institutions, practices, and proposals’ – said I. I was citing Erik Olin Wright. It was a lecture on ‘Sustainability, democracy and gender’, and I stood there, feeling unsustainably undemocratic, and I would get a very low score from gender scholars, as there was […]

On (not?) co-authoring, or The death of the author, or It takes a village to write a paper

Despite the death of the author having been announced a while ago (reference here – in case you missed it), a point in time comes when a PhD student needs to put some name(s) on their first paper draft (in progress, in progress, and still in progress – does the status ever change?). I did […]

On taking criticism of your work, or No post on Sundays, or Off to the garden

During a break on a ‘garden day’ at my son’s preschool on a fine October afternoon, sipping bryggkaffe from a paper cup, I see an email from my supervisor flash on my phone screen. ‘I have struggled with your draft. I found it difficult to read…’, she writes. This is as far as the email […]

What we [don’t] say to our supervisors, Or the price of a ‘really good work’

Student (Mon 8.46): Dear Supervisor. Would you have the time to look at my abstract if I sent it to you today? The abstract which I haven’t even begun to write. The abstract for a non-existent article which I haven’t begun to write and might not for a very long time. Supervisor (Mon 8.47): Yes. […]

On schools of fish, or Open-heart surgery as an encounter with (post-)Theory

What ifIt was as simpleAs the gentle terrorOf falling snow[…] The jury is in – I got the feedback on my Political Discourse Theory course assignment, and now I have no excuse not to write about the experience of my first head-on collision with theory. Despite discovering early on that Laclau and Mouffe go down […]

On dancing with the shawl, faux pas, and being chiselled through research training

El mantón, the flamenco shawl, refuses to do my bidding. It refuses to levitate in the air in front of me, in order to then fall softly on my chest – like it levitates in front of my teacher and then falls on hers, right under her collar bones and covering her entire wide-open arms. […]

On power, self-doubt, and the collective nature of novel-writing

The day I held in my hands a book written by one of my supervisors (physical, i.e. IRL ink on IRL paper), the other sent me an email. The ones and zeroes assembled themselves to spell out, digital ink on digital paper: ‘difficult work’ and ‘tough ask’ (I had to etymologically trace the latter all […]